3 ounces almond flour, 3/4 cup
2 teaspoons granular Splenda
1 egg white
2 tablespoons butter, softened
1/4 teaspoon salt

Mix all of the ingredients well in a small bowl. Put the dough on a well-greased sheet of heavy-duty aluminum foil, about 15x18". Cover the dough with a piece of wax paper that's been sprayed with non-stick spray. Roll out the dough to about 1/8" thick. Try to get the dough to an even thickness. You can also carefully peel up the wax paper and reshape the dough to get it as close to rectangular as possible, about 9x9" square. Replace the wax paper and continue rolling until nice and even. Peel off the wax paper and use a pizza or ravioli cutter to score the dough into approximately 1-inch squares. I cut 8 strips one direction and 6 strips the other way.

Lift the foil and set it on the oven rack or on a baking sheet and bake them at 325ยบ for 10-15 minutes, or until golden brown. Check after 10 minutes and if crackers at outer edge are getting pretty brown, remove those and continue baking the rest until golden. Gently break them apart on the score lines and let cool.

Makes about 48 crackers
Can be frozen

Per 6 crackers: 90 Calories; 8g Fat; 3g Protein; 2g Carbohydrate; 1g Dietary Fiber; 1g Net Carb
Per 8 crackers: 119 Calories; 11g Fat; 4g Protein; 3g Carbohydrate; 2g Dietary Fiber; 1g Net Carb

Although these taste ok, I made two mistakes. First I rolled the dough out too thin and they are too fragile to dip or top with cheese, etc. Secondly, I had the idea of sprinkling the top of the dough with kosher salt, like real crackers, but they came out much too salty. I'll have to give these another try sometime and keep the dough much thicker. I think I prefer the flavor of the original Almond Thins though.

Not sure about an ingredient you see here or where to buy it? Click here for information on just about any ingredient in this recipe.